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Community First Learning

Finding the right course is no longer the problem. It’s the first step.

Why is it so hard to complete online courses?

Massive online courses provide world-class content for reasonable or even no cost. But for most people, the content is not enough. 85% of course participants don’t finish despite their best efforts. How come? Like in school, if you were just given a textbook, you would never learn anything. StudyHal believes that the most essential part of learning is everything that surrounds the content.

Why use StudyHal?

  • Accountability: StudyHal provides social accountability by putting you in a cohort of other course participants.

  • Assistance: By taking the course with others, you have easy access to users who can help and support you in your journey.

  • Support: It takes more than a course to get your desired learning outcome. StudyHal’s community will help you achieve your goals by supporting you on your full journey.